What to do if your child hates virtual school

The Gist:

  • Being teacher, parent, disciplinarian and supportive mentor is a lot (read: too much)

  • Give yourself a break

  • Give your kiddo a break too

Read more…

Virtual learning is the only option for some people this fall, and that can seem a little scary. Even more so if you are the one trying to keep your child on track, while also taking care of other children and doing another job too.

Not all kids hate virtual learning. Some littles like having the screen time and talking to their teachers over video and conversing with other classmates through group meeting times. If this is your child, good for them.

But for those of you with a child who is completely resistant to online learning, there are a few things that you can do to ease the stress a bit.

The first thing to do is:


Even the professional teachers are not sure how to navigate learning in this new and uncertain universe. They don’t get a lot of feedback on what is working and what is not; what is engaging the kids and what is flying in one ear and out the other.

If having to show up on Zoom for class is ruining the day and frustrating everyone in the house, don’t go. Find something they might like to do, and do that instead. Teach them science and math through baking. Take some outdoor time for them to enjoy themselves just being kids.

No one learns when they’re stressed. So, forcing anyone to “sit there and learn, dammit” is completely pointless. If your child is stressed out about being at virtual school, minimize the amount of time (to the best of your ability) that they have to be there. 

AND, if they do have to be there, let them wander. Kids are not designed to sit for any real length of time. So, let them move around, leave the room and come back, jump around. (Just make sure you press the mute button first!) ;)


If you pull out the laptop with a big sigh and a “here we go again”, your child will be more likely to resist. If you send the signal that online learning is ok, they might exhibit more excitement themselves. Monkey see, monkey do.

This may not work the first time, but consistency on your part will surely rub off on your child.


Try a reward system. If your child is absolutely obsessed with playdoh, make sure you schedule 20 minutes after all school work is done to play. Try to keep a batch of their favorite cookies around for an after school treat, even if this is not what you usually do. (Bend the rules: let them have the cookies.)

The way school is going right now is new for all of us. It’s far from perfect and won’t work at all for some kids. Be willing to acknowledge that.  Ease the pressure you are putting on yourself, and get creative about how to make it as enjoyable as possible for you and them.

All my best-
