Let's talk about screentime!

If you're like me, you fight with yourself and with your kids pretty regularly about screen time. How much is the right amount? What type of screen time is ok? What type isn’t? What about using screens for homework (for older kids)? What about using screens to video chat with family and friends?

Here’s what I know about my family and screens based on research and experience:

  1. Video chatting with friends and family is “guilt-free” screen time (assuming you also interact with people in person!)

  2. Using a screen to learn how to do a new project is great IF you are actually doing the project (assuming you also do projects without a screen some of the time).

  3. Watching videos on a screen is a passivity, not an activity (unless above). i.e.,

    1. Watching YouTube videos on how to do things but not doing them.

    2. Scrolling insta stories, FB, etc.

  4. Using a screen in front of children - no matter how old - (and adults for that matter) signals to them that you are not available.

No one can tell you how much or how little screen time your child will have except you. Parents get to decide. But if you don’t actively decide, you’ll probably find yourself wondering at some point how you got to a point where the screen has taken over you and your child’s life.

So, if we are going to watch things on screens (and we all are), I absolutely think it’s worth considering some things:

  1. How much time do your kids spend on screens - does it feel like too much to you? Then it probably is.

  2. HOW are we using the screens -- activity-based? Or passivity-based?

  3. Am I (the adult) signaling to my child that I am not available to them? If so, how often? Can I reduce that time? Go to another room? Take a “phone sabbath”?

Our kids are watching us and will do as we do when it comes to screens (and everything else!). It’s worth thinking about.

Will you let me know your thoughts and how you manage screens at your house? I'd love to hear!

All my best - 
