Happy New Year from SpeechKids!

We’re excited to be sliding back into the fall routine here at SpeechKids. Here’s hoping your summer was relaxing and fun, and that you are also ready for some routine. :) 

SpeechKids continues to innovate how we deliver speech therapy. During the pandemic, we discovered a couple of things that worked (and continue) to work exceptionally well virtually. 

Microdosed speech therapy sessions. 

We do shorter, more frequent sessions scattered throughout the week, rather than one longer session. 

For toddlers and for older kids who are working through lingering articulation issues (like /s/ and /r/, for example), these short bursts help change the brain faster and more easily than longer, less frequent ones.

It’s so cool.

Screenless parent coaching sessions.

This is where parents can get a “coach in your ear” to help guide you through play interactions with your Little One. We guide you in what to say, when to say it, how to say it, how often to say it and why. 

Think of it as your little speech/language angel on your shoulder.

It’s SO effective for building in strategies that you can use all day long (not just during “speech time”) to help your child communicate more often and in a way you can understand more of the time.

And the best part? It usually only takes between 4-6 sessions for you to really master the skills and get your child’s communication rolling.

Increased in-person therapy offerings starting this fall.

Teaching and speaking  – I’ve already started the schedule of workshops for parents and educators, but if you’d like me to come and speak at your child’s school, parent’s group or pediatrician’s office, just send an email to media@speechkids.com for more information.

The Complicated Kids Podcast

If you haven’t checked out the podcast, you can find it wherever you get your podcasts. I host professionals, experts, and parents in conversations designed to educate, empower and inspire anyone who’s involved with a complicated kid. If you’re already loving the podcast, will you give it a 5-star review? That helps people who need it, find what they’re looking for.

Finally – given that it’s a new year, I’d love to hear from YOU! What do you want to know more about? What burning questions do you have? What topic do you think parents of Orchid Kids need to think more about?